Noon CLE meetings are typically held on the fourth Thursday of every month (with some exceptions).
We also host periodic breakfast CLE roundtable discussions at a North Dallas location on important IP topics.
2016 CLE Calendar
January 22 Noon
From Creation to Litigation: Corporate and Trial Perspectives on Trade Secrets
Chris Storm Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.
Austin Champion Griffith Bates Champion & Harper LLP
This presentation will provide an overview of trade secrets and how claims for misappropriation under the Uniform Trade Secrets Act compare to those under the Patent Act. In this presentation, you’ll learn what types of information qualify for trade secret protection, how to advise clients considering whether to seek patent protection or trade secret protection, and how to navigate trade secret litigation. In addition, you’ll learn how to create and implement effective corporate policies to foster creation of trade secrets, protect those secrets, and avoid common problems associated with employees moving jobs between competitors.
February 18 Noon
The CTM goes, the EUTM comes: new EU trademark law. Impact on fees, renewals, and specifications.
Verena von Bomhar
BomhardIP, Alicante, Spain
On March 23, 2016, the changes to the European Trademark Regulation enter into force. There are numerous changes that are important to know for practitioners that manage and advise on trademark clearance, registration, and enforcement in the EU. The most discussed changes affect the fees, renewals, and specifications in EUTMs (and existing CTMs). There are, however, many additional changes that will have a significant impact on trademark practice in the EU going forward. The session will provide a hands-on and practical overview concerning what is relevant to US trademark lawyers who advise on global portfolios.
Click here for CLE presentation materials, EU Trademark Reform Article, and EU Trademark Reform Six Points.
February 26 Noon
Alice in Wonderland: Amending Section 101 to Get
Out of the Rabbit Hole
Panel Discussion: David Taylor, SMU Dedman; Marc Hubbard, Hubbard Law & Russ Emerson, Haynes & Boone
A panel discussion on how Congress could amend §101 of the Patent Act of 1952 to address problems created by the Supreme Court’s recent decisions on subject matter eligibility for patents. Click here for presentation materials.
March 18 Noon
Responding to Questionable DMCA Takedown Requests
Larry Waks, Wilson Elser
Section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and the potential for abuse and error within the DMCA’s notice and takedown framework. Takedown procedures offer copyright owners a powerful extra-judicial tool to remove infringing content from the internet. The ease with which copyright owners can initiate DMCA takedowns has led to an exponential increase in takedown requests and, unfortunately, inappropriate attempts to censor speech and harrass competitors. Overviews will be provided on the notice and takedown framework, the mechanisms in place to limit the abuse of this framework, and current case law relating to Section 512 of the DMCA. Recommendations will be covered for entities on the receiving end of a questionable takedown request and how to best protect their interests.
April 21 (6 pm) Sambuca (2120 McKinney Ave.)
IP Trivia Night with the New Lawyer's Committee
Offering free CLE credit, free beverages, and free IP geekery for all. All Dallas lawyers in their first 10 years of practice are invited. Hosted by the New Lawyers Committee of the DBA IP Section
April 22 Noon (Belo)
Management of an IP Portfolio: Inhouse Counsel's Perspectives
Panelists: Betty Ungerman (Lennox), Rus Holloway (Bell Helicopter), Paul Schrier (PepsiCo),Roger Burleigh (Ericsson); Ira Matsil (Slater Matsil) (Moderator)
Panel discussion with in-house patent counsel addressing methods of managing a patent portfolio, including topics such as limited budgets, deciding when and where to file patents applications, keeping patents by paying maintenance fees, and roles of outside patent counsel.
April 28 (8 am) Blue Mesa Grill (14866 Montfort Drive, Addison, SE corner of Beltline and Montfort)
Examiner's Perspectives, Advice and Feedback
North Dallas Seminar for IP Section
A workshop based on table discussions involving former Patent Office Examiners, including what they like to see in a response to certain types of rejections, as well as what they don't like to see in a response to different types of rejections.
May 27 Noon (Belo)
USPTO Update from the Texas Regional Office
Hope Shimabuku, Regional Director, USPTO – Texas Regional Office
Hon. Miriam Quinn, Administrative Patent Judge, USPTO Patent Trial and Appeal Board
Hope Shimabuku, Director of the Texas Regional Office of the USPTO, will give an update on recent Supreme Court cases involving intellectual property. The Hon. Miriam Quinn will present an overview of the final PTAB Rules that were released in March. Presentation materials accessed here.
June 24 Noon (Belo)
Ethical Landscape in PTAB Practice
Thomas Kelton and Gregory Huh
Haynes & Boone LLP
This presentation will address specific statutes, rules and case law affecting the ethical landscape around PTAB proceedings and practice. Case studies of sanctions and new rules for PTAB trials will be covered.
July 22 Noon (Belo)
Internet of Things
John Ansbach
General Counsel, General Datatech, L.P.
The "Internet of Things" refers to a network of devices (or other physical objects like vehicles, buildings, appliances) embedded with electronics, software and sensors that collect and exchange data over a network. As the "Internet of Things" expands its impact on our daily lives, legal issues can arise from the different activities conducted by these devices and our use of them. The presenter will address the legal implications surrounding the "Internet of Things."
August 26 Noon (Belo)
TUTSA v. DTSA: Should I Bring My Case in State of Federal Court?
Joseph F. Cleveland, Jr. of Brackett & Ellis, P.C. in Fort Worth
Herbert J. Hammond of Thompson & Knight LLP
The newly-enacted federal Defend Trade Secrets Act (DTSA) and the Texas Uniform Trade Secrets Act (TUTSA) codified and modernized the law on misappropriation of trade secrets. This program covers strategies for bringing DTSA and TUTSA claims in federal and state courts, provides practical steps for protecting trade secrets using non-disclosure agreements, employment agreements and policy and procedure manuals, and explores how DTSA and TUTSA fit into the changing landscape of national and international efforts to protect trade secrets.
September 1 - North Dallas IP Breakfast Seminar
(8 am) Blue Mesa Grill (14866 Montfort Drive, Addison, SE corner of Beltline and Montfort)
IP Considerations for a Start-Up Client
Roundtable Discussions
September 23 Noon (Belo)
Trademark Fair Use
Speaker: Tamera Bennett
“Is That Fair (Use)? – Third-Party Trademarks in Media”
October 12 - NLC Panel Presentation
​A Panel Discussion Entitled "Oh, the Places You’ll Go: Exploring
Career Paths for IP Lawyers"
Time: 6pm (networking), 7pm (program) Location: Jones Day, 2727 North Harwood
Street, 5th Floor, Dallas
Learn from a panel of experienced IP attorneys who have succeeded in a diverse array of career paths. The panel will include attorneys who hold senior-level positions in-house, at large and small law firms, in academia and in the government. The speakers will give their perspectives and practical wisdom on how they’ve succeeded and what’s important for lawyers seeking a similar path.
Moderator - Sophilia Wu; Mullin Law, PC, and Panelists: Shannon Bates; Griffith Bates Champion & Harper LLP, David Cho; AT&T Services, Inc.; Judge Jon Jurgovan; ALJ USPTO PTAB; Ira Matsil; Slater Matsil, LLP;Bruce Sostek; Thompson & Knight; and, David Taylor; Associate Prof. SMU Dedman School of Law
October 28 Noon (Belo)
IP Issues in Social Media
Ryan Garcia, Dell
Presentation Materials, click here.
December 2
My IP Client Is Calling about Data Privacy – Quick, What Do I Need To Know?!
Speaker: Scott Breedlove, Vinson & Elkins
Description: Data privacy often centers on digital data, and clients may expect their IP lawyers to be IT lawyers. This presentation will help IP lawyers understand the larger privacy picture and will consider specific data privacy issues that arise regularly for companies that electronically control or process personal information. It will address some of the key concepts and definitions in this arena, overview various jurisdictions establishing rules and guidance, outline potential contract considerations, and briefly discuss data breach management issues.

By Xato (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Sheet music: "Beauiful Dreamer" by Stephen Foster

May 14, 2025
IP Section Meeting
(Hybrid, 1 CLE Hr.)
"Top 10 Things I Have Learned on the Bench"
Honorable Judge Barbara M.G. Lynn
Senior Judge for the Northern District of Texas